5 Simple steps to prevent unscheduled downtime

In many sectors of industry, downtime is an unwanted occurrence that can have a damaging effect on efficiency. Every time a vessel is unusable, it costs the owners a great deal of money, of course, but in the long term it can also create and nurture a reputation for...

Preventative maintenance is better than cure

When it comes to maintenance, every owner and operator in the maritime industry faces a choice, and to put it simply, they have to either take the sensible approach or leave things to fate. There are a number of high quality marine cleaning products on the market...

Be ready in 2017 for new ballast water regulations

Every owner and operator in the maritime industry is all too aware of the need to remain compliant with a wide-ranging series of laws, rules and regulations, and of how these statutes apply in various parts of the world. Staying within the law is a must, because those...

Complete guide to potable water testing

Safe, clean drinking water is a legal requirement on board vessels, as covered by the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006. Owners and operators of vessels need to be aware that a potable water test kit should be a must. To put it simply, falling foul of such regulations...